
Showing posts from March 13, 2016

Explaining rule 4

Explaining rule 4 Hi, How are you. Now I will explain rule 4 . The summary of rule 4 is learning deeply . How to learn deeply ?  It's easy . By repeating every lesson or listening many times . Just repeat,  again the lesson a lot of times . This is a deep learning .  When you repeat the lesson many times the lesson will enter to your mind deeply . Repeat and again the lesson or listening many times maybe 30 times . Listen to it 3 times aday for 10 days . This is the best way to learn deeply . Don't learn fast .  When you learn fast the information leaves your mind fast . As they say ; Easy Come Easy Go . When you learn deeply you will not forget and you will speak automatically and fast . Follow the rules , improve your English . The next rule you will study is , How to learn grammar deeply without studying grammar rules ?  Good luck .  الخلاصة :- خلاصة القاعده هي تثبيت المعلومه بعمق . ولكن كيف؟!! كل ما عليك فعله هو تكرار سماع الدروس والقصص مرات كثيره . عند تكرا

RULE 4: Slow, Deep Learning Is Best

RULE 4: Slow, Deep Learning Is Best Hi. It’s me again ;) I hope you are feeling good and are enjoying the 7 Rules Email Course. Here's rule 4. **Rule 4: A Story Hyun, a student from Korea, said: "I’m a very serious student. When studying English in Korea, I memorized 50,000 English words for a big test. Fifty Thousand! My problem was— I couldn't USE them. I could pass an English test. But I could not understand native speakers. With Effortless English, I learned to instantly understand English. I learned how to automatically use vocabulary. After 6 months, I could speak easily. I didn't need to think. Thanks so much!" **RULE 4: Slow, Deep Learning Is Best Hyun learned a lot of words in a short time. Her learning was short and shallow. That's why she quickly forgot the words. That's why she could not use them. The secret to speaking easily is to learn every word & phrase DEEPLY. It’s not enough to know a definition. It’s not enough to rememb


RULE 3: Hi! This is A.J. again, with the next day of your 7 Rules Email Course. I really enjoy emailing you and helping you improve English. Today is the most important rule. Most schools ignore it. **Rule 3: A Story Humberto is from Venezuela. He moved to Canada a few years ago. He studied English in Venezuela for many years— mostly grammar. In fact, Humberto learned English with his eyes- by reading textbooks, by studying grammar books, by remembering word lists. He thought his English was good. But when he came to Canada he was surprised and shocked— he couldn't understand anyone! He joined an English school in Canada. He went to school every day. What did they teach him? More textbooks, more grammar books, more word lists! After 12 months of school, Humberto was angry and frustrated. The school cost over $10,000 for one year— but he still could not speak English. He didn't know what to do. He said: "I couldn't believe it A.J. After one year, I still cou

RULE 2: Don't Study Grammar

القاعدة 2 : -  قصة من انجلينا :  إسمي انجلينا طالبه من باراغواي . عندما بدأت التعليم مع (  A.g ) لم أكن استطيع تكلم الانجليزية . درست قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية سنوات عديدة ولكن لم استطع التحدث .  في اليوم الأول مع A.g في دروس ( Effortless English ) ظننت انني سوف ادرس قواعد اللغة.  على اي حال ، لقد فاجأني لانه لم يدرس قواعد اللغة.  بدلا من ذلك ، روى قصة. رواها مرات عديدة ، بطريقة غريبة . بشكل مستمر كان يسأل أسئلة وانا أجيب عنها .   الاسئلة كانت في غاية السهوله .  بصراحه كنت مشوشه قليلا . اعتقدت أنه معلم نوعا ما مجنون . اعتقدت انني في حاجة لمزيد من القواعد النحوية.  واصلت مع Effortless English ( الانجليزية بدون جهد ) وبعد ذلك ؛  بعد اسبوعين فقط ، حدث شيء مدهش . تحسنت في تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية .  اصدقائي سألوني كيف تحسنتِ بشكل سريع .  أدركت ان A.J كان ذكيا جداً . والقصص والاسئله والمقالات كانت تعلمني التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بدون دراسة القواعد النحوية.    رائع !  انجلينا طالبة رفيعة المستوى . تعلمت بسرعه اضافيه لانها كانت تستمع الى ( Efforless English )  خمس مرات في اليوم .  يمكنك ا

قواعد تساعد على تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Rule1:Stop studying English words Hi. How are you doing today? I'm writing because you asked for my 7- Day email course and you want to improve your English. You will get 8 emails from me— one every day for 8 days. This Email Course is sent only to subscribers. To unsubscribe, go to {!remove_web} My name is A.J. Hoge. I live in San Francisco, USA. I am an English teacher. I have a Masters degree in Teaching English. I enjoy travel, SCUBA diving, motorcycle riding, movies, and learning Spanish. I will teach you a new method for learning. I will teach you how to study— to speak English faster and more easily. ***Your First Suggestion Imagine speaking English automatically... without thinking. The words come out of your mouth easily, and fast. You understand instantly. To do this, you must change the way you study English. Your first action is to stop studying English words. What? Stop studying English words. That's right, do not memorize words. Native speakers do not le