Supposedly I was supposed to grow up slowly, not at this speed."
Supposedly I was supposed to grow up slowly, not at this speed." - Abdulwahab Al-Rafaei 📓 This quote from poet Abdulwahab Al-Rafaei expresses a common feeling that many people have, where we feel like we are growing and moving too quickly in life. This feeling reflects the fast-paced nature of life in today's world, which can cause discomfort and unrest. This feeling also reflects the society we live in and the culture we follow, where pressures on individuals vary from one community to another. This pressure can lead to a feeling of dissatisfaction or a lack of achievement that aligns with personal expectations. However, it is important for individuals to focus on their own path and not be preoccupied with comparisons to others. They should work hard and persistently to achieve their important goals, regardless of comparison to others. This means that we need to walk on the path that suits us rather than rushing, and we should try to avoid pressure and focus on the need fo