The picture depicts an elderly man sitting in front of a broken hourglass.

The picture depicts an elderly man sitting in front of a broken hourglass. The broken hourglass symbolizes the fleeting nature of time and may represent the end of the person's life or the end of a certain period of time. The presence of the elderly man suggests that he may have lived a lot and reflects his consideration of the passing of time. The picture may also express feelings of loss or regret, as the hourglass cannot be turned over and time cannot be turned back." The role of the community and children comes in providing support, care, tenderness, and consolation to the elderly who face difficulties and feel isolated. The community and family should have sensitivity and understanding of the needs of the elderly in our society and regularly communicate with them, trying to find time to talk to them and spend time with them. Also, health care, healthy dietary, recreational activities, and other essential needs for the elderly can be provided. We all must share the responsibility and work together to help the elderly in our communities.


المشاركات الشائعة

نموذج خطة عمل مشروع تربوي

ملخص كتاب أفكار صغيرة لحياة كبيرة

كفايات ومهارات وكيل المدرسة

أهداف و فوائد المجلة المدرسية

كيف يمكنني تعزيز تواصل الأهل مع المدرسة عند غياب الطفل؟

تصنيف بلوم المطور باضافة الابداع وحذف التركيب

تعرف على قانون الهدايا والمهر متى يرجع ومتى يقع الطلاق

مفهوم فرق العمل . · أهداف وفوائد فرق العمل . · مؤشرات الحاجة الى فرق العمل . · خصائص فرق العمل الفعالة . · منهجية بناء فرق العمل . · أنواع فرق العمل . · أثر القيادة في بناء فرق العمل .

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