The importance of improving the efficiency of computer systems in business development

The management systems govern the work, while the people manage the systems.

In reality, work and systems are two essential elements that work together to achieve success and efficiency in any organization. When we talk about work systems, we refer to the set of processes, procedures, tools, and technologies that assist in managing resources and activities in the organization. This includes financial systems, operational systems, human resource management, information technology, communication systems, and more.

As for the concept of "people manage the systems," it means that the success and effectiveness of managing the systems heavily rely on the active participation and interaction of the employees in the organization. The systems themselves cannot do everything; they require management and operation by humans. This is where the role of leaders, managers, and employees comes into play in utilizing, developing, and implementing the systems in a harmonious and effective manner.

In general, strategic thinking, proper planning, organization, resource management, utilizing technology, teamwork, and developing team skills are some of the essential factors that help achieve a balance and harmony between systems and people in managing the organization.

Therefore, systems can be considered as tools and frameworks to enhance work effectiveness, and people, in turn, work on improving and implementing these systems in a way that contributes to achieving the organization's goals and success.

 Here are some examples to illustrate the concept:

1. Financial Systems: An organization may have a financial management system in place to track and manage its finances. However, it is the finance team and management who utilize this system to analyze financial data, make budgeting decisions, and ensure that the organization remains financially healthy.

2. Operational Systems: A manufacturing company may have a production system that outlines the processes, procedures, and technologies required to produce goods. However, it is the production managers and employees who operate the system, manage the production schedules, ensure quality control, and optimize the production process.

3. Human Resource Management: HR systems, such as applicant tracking systems and performance management software, assist in recruitment, performance evaluation, and employee development. However, it is the HR team that manages these systems, conducts interviews, assesses performance, and provides professional development opportunities to employees.

4. Information Technology: An organization may have an IT system that manages its computer networks, software, and hardware. The IT team ensures that the systems are running smoothly, resolves technical issues, and implements cybersecurity measures to protect the organization's data.

5. Communication Systems: Tools such as email, messaging apps, and video conferencing platforms are part of an organization's communication system. However, it is the employees who use these tools to collaborate, share information, and communicate effectively with each other.

In all these examples, the systems provide structure and support, but it is the people who ultimately drive their success by managing and utilizing them effectively.


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