مصطلحات وكلمات ودلالاتها في الايلتس (Key Words for IELTS (point_down::point_down::point_down

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور رومانسية متحركة

مصطلحات وكلمات ودلالاتها في الايلتس
(Key Words for IELTS ):point_down::point_down::point_down:

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Stating Your Opinion (وجهة النظر)
:small_blue_diamond:In my opinion,
:small_blue_diamond:According to me,
:small_blue_diamond:In my view,
:small_blue_diamond:To me,
:small_blue_diamond:From my point of view,
:small_blue_diamond:I think
:small_blue_diamond:It seems to me that
:small_blue_diamond:I believe
:small_blue_diamond:From my perspective
:small_blue_diamond:To my way of thinking
:small_blue_diamond:It appears that
:small_blue_diamond:I suppose
:small_blue_diamond:I realize
:small_blue_diamond:I understand
:small_blue_diamond:I imagine
:small_blue_diamond:I feel

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Giving Examples (لضرب مثال)
:small_blue_diamond:For example,
:small_blue_diamond:For instance,
:small_blue_diamond:such as
:small_blue_diamond:In other words,
:small_blue_diamond:that is
:small_blue_diamond:To illustrate
:small_blue_diamond:To paraphrase

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Comparing (المشابهه)
:small_blue_diamond:Similar to
:small_blue_diamond:in common
:small_blue_diamond:In the same way,
:small_blue_diamond:At the same time
:small_blue_diamond:Just as

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Contrasting (ولكن)
:small_blue_diamond:On the contrary,
:small_blue_diamond:On the other hand,
:small_blue_diamond:Differ from
:small_blue_diamond:Even though

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Generalizing (التعميم)
:small_blue_diamond:Generally speaking,
:small_blue_diamond:On the whole,
:small_blue_diamond:In general,
:small_blue_diamond:By and large,
:small_blue_diamond:It seems to me that
:small_blue_diamond:I believe
:small_blue_diamond:All in all,
:small_blue_diamond:As a rule,
:small_blue_diamond:All things considered
:small_blue_diamond:For the most part

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Expressing Certainty (التاكيد)
:small_blue_diamond:No doubt,
:small_blue_diamond:Of course,

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Expressing Partial Agreement (الموافقه الجزئيه)
:small_blue_diamond:More or less,
:small_blue_diamond:To some extent,
:small_blue_diamond:Up to a point,
:small_blue_diamond:In a way,
:small_blue_diamond:So to speak,

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Showing cause (السبب)
:small_blue_diamond:Due to
:small_blue_diamond:Because of
:small_blue_diamond:Owing to

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Showing effect (عرض النتيجه)
:small_blue_diamond:As a result,
:small_blue_diamond:For this reason,
:small_blue_diamond:The reason why

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:Marking time (الترتيب)
:small_blue_diamond:First of all,
:small_blue_diamond:To begin with
:small_blue_diamond:At the same time
:small_blue_diamond:After this / that
:small_blue_diamond:Following this
:small_blue_diamond:As soon as

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Adding Information (الاضافه )
:small_blue_diamond:In addition
:small_blue_diamond:As well as
:small_blue_diamond:What’s more

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Expressing condition (ادوات الشرط)
:small_blue_diamond:In case
:small_blue_diamond:Provided that
:small_blue_diamond:So that

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Concluding (الخاتمه - النتيجه)
:small_blue_diamond:To summarize
:small_blue_diamond:In conclusion
:small_blue_diamond:To conclude with,
:small_blue_diamond:In short

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