Don't let beginnings deceive you, the baker may pat the dough gently at first, but then burn it.

This quote carries valuable wisdom. It warns us against falling into the trap of hastiness and being drawn to superficial appearances. We may get excited about promising beginnings and instant gratification, but they can be fleeting and temporary, without a strong foundation to support them. The baker may seem attentive and helpful at first, but can end up ruining the dough later on.

This reminds us of the importance of patience and focusing on the fundamentals and gradual progress. True success and achievement require stability, continuous effort, and dedication to the process. Although impressive beginnings may seem attractive, we must remember that they may not reflect the complete picture of sustainable and stable achievement of our goals.

Therefore, we must maintain steadfastness, patience, and work hard to build a strong foundation for our aspirations and avoid being drawn to what is transient and superficial.


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