How to Control Anger: 4 Fast Tips to Cool the Boil

Learning how to control anger is essential to living a successful and productive life.

How to Control Anger: 4 Fast Tips to Cool the Boil


The Impact of Anger
As a child, a temper tantrum might earn a lollipop or a time-out, depending on the scenario or the caregiver. As an adult, anger issues can deliver more serious results. Impacts of anger can include:•Loss of relationships.•Termination of employment.•Inability to obtain a promotion or increased pay.•Development of unhealthy relationships.•Harm to yourself or loved ones.•Criminal conviction and jail time.•Etc.
With such severe consequences, it is important to learn to cool a boiling temper and deal with anger issues.
Underlying Issues
Everyone experiences anger from time to time. In fact, anger is considered a healthy emotion that helps people process a range of events and scenarios. Learning how to control anger involves impacting responses to the emotion, not bottling it up or removing it altogether.
In some cases, anger issues are a symptom of underlying problems. Anger could manifest due to anxiety, depression or abuse. It could be linked to severe grief or a chemical imbalance.
In the case of severe anger issues, it is best to seek professional advice.  The tips included in this article are meant to address specific instances of emotion and are not meant to provide professional help with an ongoing issue.
4 Tips for Controlling Anger
Controlling anger is about taking a step back.  
Sometimes, we become so wrapped up in a situation, we react without taking time to think it through. This is when anger gets us in trouble. This is when we do and say things we wish we could take back.
A survey conducted in Britain indicated that 1 in 5 participants had ended at least one relationship due to angry actions. Here are four proven methods for taking yourself out of the equation and gaining control of your emotions and your relationships:
1. Count to Ten
This tried and true method of taking a step back works best when someone else is not attempting to escalate the argument. If possible, say, “I need a minute,” and step from the room. Count slowly to ten, or thirty, until you are able to control your breathing and regain logical thought.
2. Agree On a Half-Time
In football, half-time allows each team to re-evaluate the game and catch their breath. Moving away from a situation to get a bite to eat, work on something else or go for a jog allows anger to dissipate and helps you see another person’s side.
3. Argue for the Opposition
In business meetings or a discussion with a spouse, you may not always be able to remove yourself. Instead, ask everyone to take a moment to calm down, then have opposing parties switch sides for five minutes. Arguing another view point helps work through reasons for anger.
4. Create a List
Writing things down often provides a calming effect. You may also be able to work through feelings better when you see them on paper. Working with someone else to create a list can also help in developing a solution.
Controlling Anger as a Family
Learning how to control anger takes time and is something we work on through the years. Babies have no control and cry anytime they are angry, tired, hungry or uncomfortable. Toddlers display anger and are taught to use words instead of screaming or hitting. Teens are encouraged to work through emotions in productive ways.
One way to ensure everyone in your family learns to deal with anger appropriately is to set a good example. Use the four tips above during family conflicts. Talk about what makes you angry and how you can help each other deal with anger.
It is important to regard anger as an important emotion and not encourage others to bury it. As you learn to control anger, you will also learn to help others deal with the emotion. If someone in your life seems angry, ask them why. If they are angry at you, do not avoid it. Ask them to discuss it with you to avoid a boil over in the future.
Learning how to deal with anger can help you become a better team player, increase your productivity and develop stronger personal relationships. Remember that yelling, brash behavior and hurtful words never resolve an issue. Taking yourself out of the situation for a few minutes is always more productive.
How important is learning to control your anger in your life? Think back to the last time you were angry. If you controlled your actions better, would the outcome have been different or better?
from  Islamic law:

Patience and the use of prayer, God said: {Verily, prayer and It's great, but the humble}.

One of the ways in which ablutions guided to the Prophet peace be upon him, including the establishment of the movement and washing water.

Remember the actions of the Prophet peace be upon him in bear hurting people, and be patient with them and pray for them.

Mark Prophet peace be upon him who has the same anger when the most people. Bukhari narrated in the right for the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: "It is not severe Babah, but severe, which has the same when angry."

We learned the Messenger of Allah -slwat Allah and peace Alih- have to deal with angry during fasting not to respond to them; not in the sense Njarém in anger, they just respond by saying "" Oh God, I am fasting. "

  • الصبر والاستعانة بالصلاة، قال الله تعالى: {واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين}.
  • الوضوء أحد الطرق التي أرشد إليها الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام، بما فيه من قيام وحركة واغتسال بالمياه.
  • تذكر تصرفات النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- في تحمله إيذاء قومه والصبر عليهم والدعاء لهم.
  • اعتبر النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- من يمتلك نفسه عند الغضب من أشد الناس. روى البخاري في الصحيح عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: "ليس الشديد بالصرعة، إنما الشديد الذي يملك نفسه عند الغضب".
  • علمنا رسول الله -صلوات الله وسلامه عليه- أن نتعامل مع الغاضبين أثناء الصيام بألا نرد عليهم؛ بمعنى لا نجاريهم في غضبهم، فقط يرد عليهم بقول" "اللهم إني صائم".

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