Showing posts from May 20, 2023

Life will teach you that the biggest mistake we make is when we act like open books! Everyone who comes close to us reads us, some may underestimate our lines, while others misunderstand and some simply do not understand at all." "ستعلّمك الحياة أن أكبر خطأ يصدرُ منا...حينما نكونُ كالكتاب المفتوح !فـ يقرأُنا كُل من إقترب ، فالبعض يستهين بالسطور والبعض الآخرخر يسيئ الفهم والعضُ لايفهم بتاتاً .."

Life will teach you that the biggest mistake we make is when we are like open books! Everyone who approaches us reads us, so…

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