
Showing posts from June 21, 2016

Hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures introduction Hazard identification (HAZID) and risk assessment involves a critical sequence of information gathering and the application of a decision-making process. These assist in discovering what could possibly cause a major accident (hazard identification), how likely it is that a major accident would occur and the potential consequences (risk assessment) and what options there are for preventing and mitigating a major accident (control measures). These activities should also assist in improving operations and productivity and reduce the occurrence of incidents and near misses. There are many different techniques for carrying out hazard identification and risk assessment at an MHF. The techniques vary in complexity and should match the circumstances of the MHF. Collaboration between management and staff is fundamental to achieving effective and efficient hazard identification and risk assessment processes.

Hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures introduction Hazard identification (HAZID) and risk assessment involves a critical sequence of information gathering and the application of a decision-making process.  These assist in discovering what could possibly cause a major accident (hazard identification), how likely it is that a major accident would occur and the potential consequences (risk assessment) and what options there are for preventing and mitigating a major accident (control measures). These activities should also assist in improving operations and productivity and reduce the occurrence of incidents and near misses. There are many different techniques for carrying out hazard identification and risk assessment at an MHF. The techniques vary in complexity and should match the circumstances of the MHF.  Collaboration between management and staff is fundamental to achieving effective and efficient hazard identification and risk assessment processes. لل

كجزء من النشاط التجريبي الخارجي، ينبغي أن يتعلم الطالب: • عن العمل ومكان العمل الممارسات، • كيفية عمل المنظمات، ومهارات • التواصل والعمل مع الناس، • حول أنماط السلوك العمل الشخصية، • لتقييم أدائها، • ل العمل مع ردود الفعل من الآخرين، • حول الطموحات المهنية الخاصة بهم، • لتخطيط وإنجاز المشاريع، • التعلم من الخبرة، • حول إدارة الذات، • استخدام التفكير والممارسة التأملية، • توظيف أساسي (أو غيرها) المهارات "لا اكتسبت بسهولة في أي مكان آخر في المناهج الدراسية، و"• الثقة بالنفس والاستعداد لاتخاذ المبادرات، و• لتعزيز توجههم نحو التعلم مدى الحياة

As part of an external experiential activity, a student should learn:  • about work and workplace practices, • how organizations work, • communication skills and about working with people, • about personal work behavior patterns, • to evaluate their own performance, • to work with feedback from others, • about their own career aspirations, • to plan and complete projects, • to learn from experience, • about self-management, • to use reflection and reflective practice, • key employability (or other) skills “not easily gained elsewhere in the curriculum,” • self-confidence and a willingness to take initiatives, and • to enhance their orientation toward lifelong learning (Moon, 2004, p. 164).  للمتابعة