Analyse the five forces (that is, supplier power, buyer power, potential entrants, substitute products and rivalry among competitors) and explain briefly what is significant for each. For example, what are the issues involved in new entrants into the industry?

Case analysis is an essential part of a strategic management course and is also perhaps the most entertaining part of such a course. The ‘full story’ that follows this summary gives you considerable detail about how to go about a case analysis, but for now here is a brief account. Before we start, a word about attitude: make it a real exercise; you have a set of historical facts and use a rigorous system to work out what strategies should be followed. All the cases are about real companies, and one of the entertaining bits of the analysis process is to compare what you have said they should do with what they really have done. So, it is best not to check the Net to see current strategies until you have completed your analysis. What follows is one analytical system, a fairly tight one that you may want to adapt according to how much time you have and the style of the case.


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