And all companions are loved, except for those who witness your collapse and always bet on your survival, that is a dear soul.

Dear soul is the rare friend who understands you and stands by your side in the toughest times. They are the ones who witness your emotional or physical breakdown and always stay by your side to offer support and help.

The presence of dear soul in your life is a rare gift, as many people may be present in good times only, but disappear when you truly need them. However, having dear soul in your life gives you a sense of security and trust that there is someone who will always be by your side, regardless of the circumstances.

Dear soul is the person who knows your strengths and weaknesses and does not judge you based on them. They fully accept you for who you are and do not try to change you or force you to be someone else. They provide you with the necessary support and stand by you in achieving your goals and overcoming hardships.

One of the most important qualities of dear soul is their loyalty to you, regardless of geographical distance or time. It doesn't matter if you are on the other side of the world or living in a different time period, they are always there for you despite that.

Regardless of the commonalities that may bring dear soul and you together, they always strive to communicate with you and stay connected. You can ask them for anything, and they will be happy to help you regardless of the sacrifices they may need to make.

In the end, dear soul is a refuge for you. They genuinely listen to your problems and joys. They uplift your spirit and make you feel valued and loved. The relationship with dear soul is irreplaceable, as it is a rare treasure that should be cherished and nurtured forever.


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