Math Teaching Tips

Math Teaching Tips

5 Way To Make Math Fun

In this video we give you five quick ideas to help put smiles on the faces in your math classes. Play video
1. Shopping Games - Students love to buy things. What a great way to learn math facts quickly and with purpose.
2. Create Math Projects That Relate Locally - Pulling a students' everyday life into the classroom makes a big difference.
3. Make Word Problems With Things That Hit Home - For example you could include the names of students in the class, current movies, current bands, and pop icons. Kids will take notice.
4. Get Them Moving - Use a tactile approach to learn math as much as possible. Also include activities that require students to gather their own data. Come up with fun physical challenges.
5. Use Technology - There are tons of math games online available. Include spreadsheets and their use in your projects as much as possible. Don't be afraid to create or use a greatweb quest.

المشاركات الشائعة

نموذج خطة عمل مشروع تربوي

ملخص كتاب أفكار صغيرة لحياة كبيرة

كفايات ومهارات وكيل المدرسة

أهداف و فوائد المجلة المدرسية

تصنيف بلوم المطور باضافة الابداع وحذف التركيب

مفهوم فرق العمل . · أهداف وفوائد فرق العمل . · مؤشرات الحاجة الى فرق العمل . · خصائص فرق العمل الفعالة . · منهجية بناء فرق العمل . · أنواع فرق العمل . · أثر القيادة في بناء فرق العمل .

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